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5 Ways Of Professional Networking At Britespace coworking Offices

Professional Networking Matters

Are you looking for ways to network better?

Among the various benefits of working in a shared space office over working from a home office is the opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs, innovators, and professionals which could open you up to great business opportunities in the future. 

Accessing this kind of people has been one major reason why businesses now prefer shared space offices to traditional home offices. 

Getting to connect with fellow members in a shared office creates opportunities for new leads, partnership, knowledge sharing, referrals, and so on.

However, while this sounds pretty simple enough to accomplish, it isn’t always easy to build sustainable relationships. 

That’s why there are activities and specific guidelines you must follow to fully maximize these opportunities. 

Here are some tips to get you started.

1. Attend Events

Most coworking spaces – BriteSpace inclusive – offer in-house and off-site loveable hours where employees can connect with employers and employers connect with other like-minded entrepreneurs in the workspace. 

As a BriteSpace member, you can expect to network with top professionals in your industry and other entrepreneurs during the Yoga hour, demonstration of how to make the perfect cup of coffee, and more. 

Additionally, our weekly podcast – BriteTalks – is accessible to all members and the public where you can learn about what’s booming in the business world and other exciting events around the world. 

This is an excellent opportunity to network and get to know yourself better in a community that is diverse across all industries. 

2. Host Events

Do you like to host your events?

Hosting networking events in a shared space can sometimes be a huge draw for the coworking space and can additionally trigger awareness and enhance the relationship of members of the space.

It is also a great way for businesses to set up their own functions such as launching exhibits, workshops, and parties.

As a member of the BriteSpace community, you’ll have the ability to host seminars and events so you can introduce your business and services to existing and prospective community visitors.

Our built-in facilities are designed in a way that allows you to create a space for your seminars and other events. So if you’ve got a great idea for an event, don’t hesitate to speak up.

3. A Warm Welcoming Smile

Some of the numerous ways to connect with people are not really technical, they are incredibly weird and quite simple. 

Simply putting on a welcoming smile can open you up to endless opportunities and allow you to connect with other professionals and entrepreneurs in different industries. 

As Neil Chudgar rightly said “Smile. Seriously. In my experience we’re all mammals first before we become professionals; we are wired to respond to bodily signs of social belonging.” 

Beginning a conversation is quite simple when there is a welcoming reception on the other end. It’s kind of hard to connect with people who put on a frown face all day long. 

Hence, put on that smile and your chances of networking with others might just increase sporadically.  

4. Maximize Your Breaks

I know it’s quite easy to get caught up in the project at hand and forget that breaks exist, but building networks can also enhance the growth of your firm in no little way. 

These breaks can be tea breaks or lunch breaks, whichever one it is, you should maximize that opportunity to interact with your neighbors during lunch periods. 

A simple quick chat across the table during lunch can turn into a lifetime opportunity or partnership that yields great results.  

Additionally, you should encourage your coworkers who love eating from their desks to leverage this opportunity for the betterment of the organization and themselves.

5. Leverage The Online Community

This list will not be complete if we fail to mention the importance of leveraging the online space for networking. 

Online interaction can help you expand your networks easily to reach those you are not able to meet in person or those with inconvenient working hours. 

It’s a great follow-up tool to reach out to others in your coworking space who might be in an industry you delight in. 

Using LinkedIn and emails, for instance, can be a great tool to easily build fruitful networks. 

Conclusively, find a way to connect with other professionals and entrepreneurs in your shared space as it’s a great way to expand your business and open up new opportunities. 

Do you need a shared space? 

Feel free to reach out to us. 

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